Creating personalized fields
The possibility of adding additional fields enables personalizing PlanningPME Web Access with specific information concerning your particular area of activity.
You may add additional information in the following windows:
- Event
- Client (Possibility to associate a list of equipment)
- Human resources
- Material resources
- Project
- Sub-project
- TabEquipment
How to create personalized fields
Available options when creating additional fields
Custom fields specific to project management
A closer look at client equipment
Creation of the new supplementary field « Signature»
Selecting information displayed or distributed
Overall view of the various types of field available
Here are the various types of field that you may create.
And here is a snapshot of these fields in the various data windows:
Single choice: A drop-down menu will be created with the criteria that you wish.You can choose a single item from the list.
Multiple choice: You can select several items from a choice list.
Comments: The possibility to add free-form text.
Date: Ability to choose a date - the date of birth of your resources for example.
Document: Ability to download and/or save a document. When a file is attached to an event, an icon appears on the event.
Time: Ability to select a time of day
Hyperlink: Possibility to specify a link to open it easily from the event. (For example, a web link to an online meeting)
Decimal number/Integer: Ability to enter decimals or whole numbers
Yes/No: Box to tick
Position: This additional field is used in the mobile version of PlanningPME. It enables locating a resource when he is executing an event. The information concerning the resource's location will be displayed once the task involved has been completed.
Signature: This additional field is used in the mobile version of PlanningPME. Using the mobile version, this enables having the client’s signature, which will appear here as an attachment.
Separator: For a better organization of the various fields when displayed."LINK" - "TEXT"
How to create personalized fields
From the PlanningPME Web Access home page, go to the menu "Data" -> "Additional fields".:
Data: Choose the window in which the new fields are to appear.
Tab title: If you have decided to create your personalized fields in a new tab, enter the tab’s name and save it.
Then you have the possibility of creating several additional fields in the same tab by clicking on “Add”.
Available options when creating additional fields
Various options are available, depending on the type of field selected
Type: See the previous chapter on the various field types
Field: Field name in the database. The name is to be written in capital letters without accents and without spaces
Label: Name that will appear when scheduling
Width: Field width in Pixels You can start with a value of 200 which can be adjusted as needed.
Height: Field height in Pixels You can start with a value of 200 which can be adjusted as needed.
Mandatory: You may oblige users to complete certain specific data fields. Mandatory fields will appear framed in red.
Default value: The value that will be used if nothing is entered in the field.
Visible in the mobile version: This field will appear for users who possess a mobile licence or not.
Read only: A field which may only be read and not changed.
Custom fields specific to project management
Here are the different types of custom fields you can activate in the "Project" window.
Project start date: Start date of the oldest task assigned to a project.
Project end date: End date of the latest task assigned to a project.
Project duration: Sum of the durations of the tasks assigned to a project and to a human or material resource.
Project deadline: Project due date. This date is represented by a grey bar in the project view.
Project deadline passed: If the due date has passed, a warning icon appears on the project line in project view.
A closer look at client equipment
You may associate equipment with your clients. The term "equipment" is to be taken very widely and may include all sorts of information or objects that you wish to associate with a client: machines and equipment, but also contacts, contracts, files, projects, etc.
Snapshot of "equipment" in the client file: A new tab appears with the client’s equipment.
NB: The client number is mandatory to have the new ‘Equipment” type tab to be created.
Selecting equipment when creating an event: Select the client so that the list of his equipment appears.