Informing employees by e-mail

With PlanningPME Web Access, you may send an e-mail to a colleague and/or a client to inform them of a new appointment or event in the schedule. To do this do the following:

Initializing the sending of e-mails

To activate this option, using the “Admin” user id, go to the menu Tools -> Options -> e-mail and tick "Activate e-mail sending".

Ask your network administrator to configure the SMTP server with all the various information required.

Initializing the sending of e-mails

Blind copies:Enter the e-mail address of the person whom you wish to be on blind copy of all e-mails sent.

Addressee(s)Send the e-mail to the resource concerned by the event, or to the client or both.

Selecting the fields to insert into the subject and the body of the e-mail

Warning e-mail subject: Select the fields to be used for this from the menu Data -> Description ->e-mail subject.

Warning e-mail text:Select the fields to be used for this from the menu Data -> Description ->Warning e-mail text.

It is not possible to format the text in the e-mail

Sending e-mails

This option is activated once you have finished configuring the e-mail addresses of your resources and/or clients. Then all you need to do is a simple right click on the event and hit “Warn by e-mail”

Sending e-mails