
We propose installations on site or online for all of our scheduling solutions: PlanningPME, PlanningPME Web Access.
What are the differences between On-Premise and Cloud?

Installation PlanningPME

Operating system
Microsoft® Windows® Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Windows Server 2002, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022
MS Access - SQL-Server - MySQL - Oracle
32 Mo RAM
Disk space
10 Mo available for installation

Installation MS Access

PlanningPME uses by default an Access database.

To work correctly, PlanningPME need the installation of several components depending on your operating system.

At this stage, the software PlanningPME is supposed to be installed on at least, one computer.

Choose the server

- Create a PlanningPME folder on the server
- Share this folder in reading and writing
- Copy the file PlanningPME.pp on this folder

Installation of the software: 2 choices

1st choice: Install PlanningPME on the server and create a shortcut of the file PlanningPME.exe on each computer.
2nd choice: Install PlanningPME on each computer.
Installing PlanningPME according to the first choice, installing the future updates will be much easier.

Indicate the location of the database on each computer

Go to the menu File -> Location and precise the location of the database PlanningPME.pp

For reasons of performances, we advise you to map a network drive on the network path of the server and to precise this drive on the location of the database instead of the entire network path.
Example : the network path \\Server\PlanningPME is affected with letter P:

Validate the locks

Go to the directory "Tools" -> "Options" and select the tab "network".
Selecting the box "Network the program and control task modification by blocking simultaneous use", you can lock a task while using it in order no one to modify it.

Installation SQL-Server

Versions SQL-Server: 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, SQL-Server Express

Download your installation kit: SQL_SERVER.ZIP

Server installation

- Create a new database - Create tables and Insert in database: Script_SQL_US.sql - Create the user who has access to database

Client installation

  •  Execute the file .reg that suits your SQL installation type (SQL or Windows Authentification):

  •    --> If you server uses a SQL authentification:

    Then, modify the string "Base" in the registry and precise the name or IP address of your server, the name of your database, the user and password.

    "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=Name of the server or IP address;Initial Catalog=name of the SQL database;User Id=SQL user;Password=Password of the SQL user"

       --> If your SQL Server use the Windows authentification:
    SSPI_32bits.REG or SSPI_64bits.REG

    Then, modify the string "Base" in the registry and precise the name or IP address of your server, the name of your database

    "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source= Name of the server or IP address;Initial Catalog= Name of the database;Integrated Security=SSPI"

       --> If your database is installed in english, you must execute:
    US_32bits.REG or US_64bits.REG

    Installation MySQL

    Versions MySQL: 4.0 - 5.0 - 8.0

    Download your installation kit: MY_SQL.ZIP

    Server installation

  • Download and launch MySQL
  • MySQL

  • Download and execute the following scripts to create the database

  • - Create tables and Insert in database :Script_MySQL_US.sql

    - Create the user who has access to database

    Client installation

  • Installation Driver ODBC 3.51 MySQL

  • Execute the file:
  • PlanningPME-32bits-MySQL-ODBC.reg or PlanningPME-64bits-MySQL-ODBC.reg Then, modify the string "Base" in the registry and precise the name or IP address of your server, the name of your database, the user and password:
    - "Base"="Provider=MSDASQL;DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=name or IP address of you server;Port=3306;Option=16384;Stmt=;Database=name of your database;Uid=user;Pwd=password"
    If your database is installed in english, you must execute:
    US_32bits.REG or US_64bits.REG

    Installation PlanningPME Web Access on site

    You must have a Web Server to host the database.

    See the Pre-Requisites

    IIS and Framework 4.0 have to be installed.
    Operating system
    Starting price Windows 2008 server
    SQL Server