Event management through the status

How to activate the status?
Customize your status list
Assign a status to an event
Filter the schedule by status
Access right management
Rename "Task status" and « Unavailability status » with your own words


For each event of the schedule like a task or an unavailability, you will be able to specify a status.
For example, you will be able to precise:

  • if a day off is in the “on request” or “validated” status
  • Prioritize events

  • if a meeting is in the « Not started » or « Finished » status for example

Status of a task

A status is represented by a colored vertical bar to the left of the event rectangle.
The list of the task and unavailability status is entirely customized according to your business.

How to activate the status?

To begin with, activate the option in the menu Tools -> Options -> Event and select what you want to activate :

  • Status of a task
  • Unavailability status

Customize your status list

You can define two list of distinct status directly from the menu “Data”:

  • Status of a task : Customize your status list for the event such as “Tasks"
  • Unavailability status : Customize your status list for the events such as “Unavailabilities”

	Customize your status list

Assign a status to an event

For each event created on the schedule, you can also assign a status to the event.
Then, you will be able to modify it with a simple click on the event

Status of a task

Filter the schedule by status

You can also use the filters “Task status” and “Unavailability status” at the top of your screen to filter the events in the schedule

See the chapter on Scheduling filters.

See the chapter on User access management.

Rename "Task status" and « Unavailability status » with your own words

From the menu « Tools » -> "Labels and formats", you have the possibility to rename these labels “Task status” and “Unavailability status” with your own words.