PlanningPME Desktop - List of versions

PlanningPME Desktop : Find out below the new features of our planning and scheduling solutions


Scheduling assistant and search for availability of one or more resources

The scheduling and availability search assistant for one or more resources is a powerful tool developed to optimize time and resource management within an organization.
It allows users to easily schedule tasks, appointments or projects by quickly finding available slots for one or more resources, whether employees, meeting rooms, or equipment.

Scheduling assistant and search for availability of one or more resources

Multiple choice

New Custom Field Type : The "Multiple Choice" custom field type is a feature that allows users to create fields where multiple options can be selected simultaneously.
This field type is ideal for situations where a user needs to choose multiple items from a predefined list, such as selecting multiple pieces of equipment for an installation.

Multiple choice

New date formats displaying day of the week

New date formats displaying the day have been added to better organize activities and coordinate schedules based on each day's specific habits and availability.
By including the day of the week with the date, for example "Mon 26-Aug-24", the user can more easily locate events in time.
To change the date format, go to the menu Tools – User profile – Short date.

New date formats displaying day of the week

Display a field label in the description

Showing a field label in an event description means embedding the name or label of a specific field directly into the detailed description of the event.

This allows you to provide additional and contextual information about the event, such as the field name in front of a custom field of type "number", the field name of a “comment” field or any other relevant data associated with this event.
By including these labels, users can quickly identify key details without having to open the event, improving the clarity and efficiency of event management.

Display a field label in the description

Visual overview of the position of custom fields

A “Preview” button has been added when creating custom fields

The position preview of custom field is a feature that allows users to graphically see where custom fields will appear in the event's "General" tab
This preview makes customization easier by providing an overview of the organization and layout of fields, helping to ensure that all information is laid out logically.

Visual overview of the position of custom fields

Navigating tabs in list

The tab navigation list is a feature that allows users to easily navigate between different tabs in a side menu

Navigating tabs in list

Indicators : Addition of event status and contexts

You can now create indicators for event status and contexts.
For example, you can display the number of people working remotely over a day. You can also have indicators to track “Not Completed” or “Cancelled” tasks for example.

New custom fields for projects : Project due date, Duration completed, Expected duration,

New custom project fields are now available : “Project deadline,” “Duration completed,” and “Quantity.”
. Project due date : This field allows you to define the deadline by which the project must be completed.. It is essential for planning and meeting deadlines, helping teams organise their work according to priorities and avoid delays.
. Duration achieved : This field records the time actually spent working on the project.. It is useful for assessing team efficiency and comparing time spent to planned time, which helps identify gaps, adjust strategies and improve resource management.
. Expected duration : This field indicates the estimated time to complete the project before it begins..
It serves as a reference for initial planning, helping to set realistic expectations and ensuring that resources are properly allocated to achieve objectives within the set timeframe.

These custom fields allow for more precise and tailored project management, providing detailed and relevant information for monitoring and analysis.

Other features

At the request of our customers, a number of changes have been made to the online schedule.

. Quick modification of a custom "choice" field : To save time, you can quickly modify an custom "Choice" field by right-clicking on the task.
. Additional checking of resource availability : By default, if a resource is already occupied by a task or an unavailability, an alert message appears to prevent scheduling conflicts.. You have the option to give an additional restriction and have the alert message appear only if the resource is busy with an unavailability and not a task.
. List view saved in registry : When a user exits the schedule on the list view, this view is retained the next time the schedule is launched.
. Size of the custom field "Client Equipment" can be expanded : The "Client Equipment" custom field expands when you expand the Event window.
. Z-A sorting for custom fields of the type "Choice" : You can now list this type of field in descending alphabetical order.
. Number of additional signature fields : Need to sign an event multiple times
The number of additional fields of type "Signature" is now unlimited within an event.
. User history : From the Tools - History menu, it is possible to know the history by user
. Selecting a set of related tasks : It is now possible to select a set of linked tasks and then move them forward or backward.
. Deleting lines in task templates : It is now possible to delete rows in task templates


PlanningPME gets a new look

After a few weeks of work, we are happy to share with you that PlanningPME is about to be transformed! New logo, new colors and new product interfaces. We truly hope that you will appreciate this new, more refined and modern design which reflects the PlanningPME values.

New design PlanningPME

Improvement of the schedule loading

The loading performance of the schedule has been significantly improved, allowing you to plan even faster.

Improvement of the schedule loading

Manage the working context of your employees (remote-working, hours, etc)

A context is a new type of data which enables to add a background context to the event schedule. A context is represented by a colored rectangle in the background of the event scheduling.

You can use the context in different situations:
- Define the place where your employees are working everyday.
- Define working hours

Context Management

Tutorial - Context Management

Define the event status by default

You can define the event status by default. Then, while creating an event, this status will be selected by default.

Manage status

Tutorial - Event management through the status

Adapt the drawing space on the schedule

New option available in the menu Tools -> Options -> View -> Additional drawing space.

Option activated: By activating this option, an empty zone appears above the task. This zone allows you to draw a new task by creating easily layered events.

Adapt the drawing space on the schedule

Option desactivated: The event takes all the height of the line.

Adapt the drawing space on the schedule

Follow the last connexions of your users on the schedule

From the menu Data -> Users menu, view the date of last connection for each user.

user connexions

New filter to sort resources directly on the scheduling board

A new filter is now available to sort resources directly on the scheduling board.

classification of resources in the schedule

You can now sort your resources depending on one of the following options:

  • General order defined for all resources (Menu Data -> Resources)
  • Resources order defined for each department (Menu Data -> Department)

Hierarchy of org-units: resource management through the organization chart

The hierarchy of org-units enables the best possible organization of your human and material resources.

  • Create the organization chart of your company
  • Easily define the composition of each department
  • Define the display order of your resources per department
  • Assig time profile to a whole department with a single click
  • Easily search among your resources

Simplified management of your resources' time profiles

Manage time profiles with the new “Time profiles” menu.


Then, in the “Resource” window, select the time profile to be assigned to the selected resource.

Time profile to be assigned

Tasks and unavailabilities status

For each status assigned to an event, a colored visual mark displays on the left handside of the rectangle on the schedule area according to the parameters you would have set beforehand.

Tutorial - Event management through the status

Assigning a project to one or several departments

You can now work on a project common to several departments.

Customizing the tasks list per department

You can now define specific tasks for each department. Each department can define its own tasks list and thus won’t see the labels it’s not concerned with.

Customizing the tasks list per department

New ergonomic task list

The list of tasks (Data Menu -> Tasks) has been improved: you can now directly see additional information such as skills, schedules, departments.

New ergonomic task list

User-friendly multi-resource selection

Assigning several resources to an event is now made easier thanks to an ergonomic and user-friendly selection box.

Multi-resource event

Changing password through the new “user profile” menu

Each user can now define on his own the password he uses when accessing the schedule.

Change password

Customizing the interface with your own labels

For each language, you can now customize the labels to be used in the interface.

Scheduled vs achieved

For each event displayed on the planning area, you can specify a color code that enables a quick tracking of scheduled vs achieved.

Completion percentage of a event

For each event, you can specify a completion percentage. A vertical dotted line shows the completion percentage.

Completion percentage of a event

Preview of the event

From now on you can preview the rendering of an event in the schedule according to your defined parameters.

Completion percentage of a event

PlanningPME LEO

Plan a part of a task

When you move an event from the "To plan" panel area to a resource, a windows might display, asking you the duration of the task you want to schedule. This option is useful in the management of projects or long lasting tasks that needs to be split.

Plan a part of a task

Project window - 3 new additional tabs

You can now create 3 new tabs in the project window.
To better adapt the schedule to your needs, you can now create up to 3 additional tabs with as many customized fields as you want.

Project window - 3 new additional tabs

Show only skilled resources when creating an event

If you select a task with assigned skills, you can now filter resources by skill directly on the event.
Pre-configuration: skills are assigned to resources and skills are assigned to the task's label.

Show only skilled resources when creating an event

Privacy: Possibility to hide text on absences and days off

For confidentiality purposes, a new "Description" / "Public" option is available in the groups, enabling to hide the text on the rectangle representing an event or unavailability / absence.

Privacy: Possibility to hide text on absences and days off

Possibility to automatically adjust the height of the line

A new option "Adjust the height of the line automatically" is available. When an employee does multiple tasks at the same time, the height of the line will increase on the schedule to enable better visibility.

Possibility to automatically adjust the height of the line

Copy / paste the style (color of text and background) for multiple resources, clients and projects

In order to easily and quickly set up the schedule, it is now possible to copy the color of the text and the background of a resource, a client or a project and apply it on several resources / clients / projects all at once.

Copy / paste the format (text and background color) for multiple resources, clients and projects

You can select fields / columns you want to display in the research window as well as the year the query should be run on.

Selecting fields to display in the search window

New interface

The PlanningPME interface has been fully redesigned for improved clarity, modernity and efficiency. The new ergonomy of our solution makes it easier to set up your schedule and navigate within it, saving valuable time and increasing performances.

Tutorial - New interface

Schedule interface

Selection filters

Filters have also been redesigned to ensure an even more accurate display of the information you are looking for.
The list of different items available in each of your filters is still available via the search box which has moreover been improved with two new options:


  • Select all: to select or deselect all in one click
  • Empty: to display or hide records that do not contain any specific information for this filter.

Floating or fixed

Floating or fixed

Fixed or floating To plan resources are clearly identified on the schedule with specific layouts:

  • Plain line for fixed,
  • Dotted line for floating.

Clear Filter


This new filter enables you to clear all filter configurations by simply clicking the "Clear" option.

Create your Excel schedules within 1 click

Excel templates make it possible to get a customizable schedule already filled in with information exported from PlanningPME.Read the tutorial

Share PlanningPME calendars

With PlanningPME you can directly consult your schedule from all your connected devices (Smartphones, tablets etc.). It is very simple, follow the guide!Read the tutorial

Customization of the appearance of the task

You can now customize the colors and style of every item displayed in the task according to your preferences of use.Read the tutorial


Filters are very convenient as they allow you to customize the display of your schedule and show only the data you’re interested in. You can enable or disable filters anytime to come back to the main schedule display.

List View

This list view show all the tasks on the schedule on a list with columns that you can select to display. For your reports, a really interesting feature is to extract everything on Excel via CTRL + A and a right click

PlanningPME Offline

Offline Mode

Even if you are not connected to your enterprise network, you will be able to add/modify/remove tasks and unavailabilities on the scheduling board. While reconnecting, a window will pop up in case of scheduling conflicts between you and other users.
Read the tutorial



You can integrate into the schedule all complementary data you need under a list format. For instance, you will be able to add the list of equipment of your company and assign it to a resource, to add a list of attendees to a training or even to add detailed steps of a project.
Read the tutorial


The indicators show real-time calculated data based on the information contained within the schedule. They are displayed as lines, columns over a daily, weeekly or monthly view.
Read the tutorial

History/Tracking improved:

Events tracking of tasks and non availabilities has been improved: you can now have the history by clients, projects and resources in details.

Order your resources directly on the screen

You can now order your resources on the screen with a Drag and Drop.

Possibility to create customized data on the main tab:

You can now create additional fields on the general tab of the tasks, clients, projects and resources window.

Quick View of the extra fields on a new column

It is now possible to display the content of the extra fields on a new column for Resources, Clients and Projects.

Follow the jobs done for each resource, client or project

A new tab on the resource, client and project window shows the list of past and future tasks.

Define a departmnet per project

Filtering by department, only projects associated to this department will be displayed on the drop down list.

Monthly recurrence

You can now define a new kind of monthly recurrence: For example, you can create a meeting every first Monday of the month

New kind of tasks : Assignments

Define where your resources work each day and assign appointments within this assignment.

Notifications in PlanningPME:

Be informed at a glance of the last changes on your schedule via badges or notifications on the toolbars

Agenda calendar view

Save time looking easily for events or accessing the different schedule of your colleagues.