AMB Sécurité Services's success story

How to make the schedule of events and training of security guards more efficient?

AMB Sécurité Services's success story

Company Overview

AMB Security Services Sarl, whose management has been active for more than 19 years in the field of security, guarantees a centralization of information at your service. AMB Security Services Sarl can respond positively to the expectations of customers and meet the increasingly demanding requirements of the market. The customer quickly realizes that AMB Security Services Sarl is a modern, flexible, dynamic company that always listens to the customer. The actions on the ground of its agents are effective, punctual, precise and correspond to the image of the company and the marketing of its services. AMB Sécurité Services Sarl is very active and covers the geographical area of French-speaking Switzerland with its network of security agents in Geneva, Gland, Lausanne, Valais and soon in Neuchâtel. The Lake Geneva arc is covered by our team 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. AMB Sécurité Services Sarl has very selective engagement criteria with its agents and continuous training both theoretically and practically and on direct contact with clients. Because our philosophy is to provide an irreproachable quality of work for the mandates that are attributed to us.

Schedule uses:
management of leave, training, schedule planning, mission management

Our scheduling needs

Our large company of 50 employees implies a consistent organization in terms of schedule. The use of Excel and Outlook became binding for us, so we have uses PlanningPME.

Manage schedule of agents missions and training

We use PlanningPME software several times a day. It meets our expectations, especially for the management of days off, training or different missions.