View types / Navigation

Several view types are available to facilitate the daily schedule of your company’s work - passing from a daily view to a weekly or monthly view with a single click. Display the schedules by resource or by activity type or even by client.

Views by scheduling type: resource, client, project or list

The various drop-down menus in this picture are explained below:

The default view displayed is by resource. Employees and the other material resources are displayed on the left-hand side of the schedule. But it is also possible to display the schedule by task, client or project using the drop-down list above.

Manage your schedule online

More details on the list view

In addition to the existing views mentioned above, Target Skills has developed a “List” view. This view enables having a list of the various tasks to be carried out. The fields displayed are fixed and cannot be configured.

List View

Using this list, you may open an event by clicking on a line and modify it.

Agenda view, view suitable for smartphones and tablets

The Agenda view is an operational view that is particularly suitable for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets because it allows you to clearly display schedule information.
Agenda scheduling on mobile

Tutorial - Agenda view

Views by time periods: daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

Changing the time-scale from the drop-down menu
You may choose the number of days to display on the screen from daily scheduling through to the annual schedule.

Choosing the date from the calender
Select the date which you wish to have displayed directly from the calender.

Changing the time-scale from the toolbar

3 views are available from the control ribbon: Daily, weekly, monthly.

For example, if you click on a day in the week, your schedule will appear in the daily mode.
If you click on a week number, your schedule will appear in the weekly mode.

Display the granularity in weekly and multi-day view

In the weekly or multi-day view, granularity can be personalized to the nearest hour or half-hour so that your events can be clearly visualized.

Changing days, weeks & months using directional arrows

By clicking on the arrows to the right and left of the ribbon, you may navigate in time. If you are in a monthly view of the schedule, such movements will move you from month to month, etc.

Keyboard shortcuts for navigation

  • Shift+Left/right arrow: previous/next period
  • Ctrl+Left/right arrow: previous/next week
  • Left/right arrow: previous/next day
  • Up/down arrow: scrolls up/down
  • Page up/down or Space/Shift+Space: fast scrolling up/down
  • Enter : today's date

Smoother time navigation