Weekly planning | Why and how to do it

Team PlanningPME
04/07/2023 10 min reading
  1. What is a weekly schedule?
  2. What are the advantages of weekly planning?
  3. How do I make my 5-Step Weekly Planner?
  4. What materials are needed to create a weekly schedule?
  5. FAQ

In a nutshell

If your business requires frequent adjustments and you're looking for efficient organization for your teams, then opt for a weekly schedule. This is the best way to get an overview of your goals and say goodbye to wasted energy. It's a system that respects everyone's needs, with multiple benefits in store. What's more, whatever formula you choose, it's affordable and easy to set up. Not quite convinced? Dynamic, efficient measurement for your business. Today, we're going to tell you how weekly planning has changed the daily lives of many companies. This will give you a better understanding of the reasons behind the massive adoption of this device. Explanations and methodology to transpose to your business plan.

What is a weekly schedule?


Usually presented in the form of an explicit, colorful chart, the weekly planner is a kind of corporate calendar or weekly planner. Despite its childlike appearance, it is a powerful solution for optimizing time management. From Monday to Friday, Tuesday to Saturday, etc., it provides an exhaustive weekly snapshot, as well as a precise vision of the tasks to be accomplished each day. So that executives, managers and employees can identify the actions to be taken and the priorities.

A weekly schedule allows you - like a map over several consecutive days - to :

  • allocate time slots to meet business needs ;
  • break down work periods (actual work, lunch breaks, meetings, training, etc.) ;
  • share availability between team members ;
  • highlight the organization as a whole for greater proaction.

This timetable is obviously adapted to the business plan of the company using it..

What are the advantages of weekly planning?

The advantage of getting organized

Being able to refer to a chart that centralizes all activities is a working comfort that contributes to general well-being. Like a sports coach detailing the position and role of each player on the pitch, everyone knows what to expect individually and collectively:

  • Work to be done at time T ;
  • positioning of team members ;
  • status of related services ;

The advantage of being Flexible

Which brings us to the second advantage: flexibility. Imagine you're behind the wheel of your car, with a route all mapped out for you. However, weather, roadworks or an accident: even with a good GPS, the road may not be exactly as you imagined it. You may need to deal with unforeseen circumstances to get back on track. The same goes for weekly planning. The latter establishes an ideal course of action, but is never set in stone. It's a weekly plan designed to support you, but you're in charge.

The advantage of Anticipating

The consequence of flexibility: prioritization and anticipation. If you have a decisive project underway, you'll find it easier to understand its impact on the team. All you need to do is structure the project in stages, or bring in new collaborators. So you can :

  • maintain control over detailed organization;
  • meet deadlines.

The advantage of being educational and productive

By using an online working time management tool, it's easy to create a clear schedule that respects everyone's rhythm. Moreover, any modification is visible as soon as the data is saved, participants are instantly alerted to a person's activity, presence in a meeting, etc. Avoiding superfluous exchanges (which are legion from Monday to Friday), will have the advantage of valuing individuals and generously influencing productivity.

In a nutshell

Organizing daily tasks with a weekly schedule promotes understanding, cohesion and therefore the success of your missions. With practice, it allows you to quickly share and channel individual and common goals at a glance. This is the perfect way to look forward to the week ahead, whatever your role in the company.

How to make a weekly plan in 5 steps

Not sure where to start? Here are the 5 main steps to get you there.

List your tasks

From the most important tasks to the smallest :

  • Draw up a list or tree structure (whichever makes the most sense to you) of all your objectives.
  • Gather all your information in a single place, and use it as a database to build your weekly calendars.
  • Create a to-do list template that you can refine with practice.

List your resources

For each project to be carried out, you'll need to assign a team or, more precisely, collaborators. To do this, it's essential to take stock of your resources, i.e. :

  • The number of services
  • The role of teams
  • The qualifications and names of people who can meet your needs.

This first step is essential for the presentation of the rows and columns that will appear on your future weekly schedule.

Our advice for these first 2 steps (and the following ones): if you do it with others, it will be more stimulating and you'll be less likely to forget.

Define your priorities and deadlines

Another crucial phase: using the time slots that concern you, go back to your tree structure or to-do list to define priorities. For each line of tasks or weekly objectives, you'll need :

  • Assign a corresponding due date ;
  • Determine the time required for its completion ;
  • Selecting the right human resources for success ;
  • Evaluate the right time to start the project ;

Our advice for this 3rd stage :
Use clear, concise headings to draw up your weekly schedule, and always leave room for unforeseen events. (Substitution days and employees in the event of absences).

Plan your missions by importance

Prioritizing your weekly tasks can be a real headache. That's why a weekly schedule will make it easier for you to arrange them. These priorities include:

  • Distinguish between short-term and long-term goals ;
  • Break long deadlines into short tasks ;
  • Spread the number of assignments over several weeks.

Our advice for this 4th stage :
Communicate information to your teams as early as possible. They'll appreciate the initiative and be better prepared in advance.

Weekly review

Whether at the beginning, middle or end of the week, it's up to you to choose your own pace. But don't neglect the weekly review, which will enable you to :

  • Encourage your employees ;
  • Make sure you're on schedule ;
  • Quickly identify obstacles ;
  • Find solutions to bounce back immediatelyt ;

Our advice for this 5th and final stage:
Don't hesitate to involve your circle of colleagues. They'll be able to offer you their own vision, and will be all the more involved in the project and its deadlines.

Create a weekly schedule

What materials are needed to create a weekly schedule?

Weekly work schedule

Excel schedules

The tool of choice for many companies, the famous spreadsheet program offers efficient set-up and a first experience of autonomy. In fact, once you've mastered its functions, it's quick and easy to create a weekly calendar and implement it at your company.

The advantages of an Excel management chart

For this purpose, you'll find all kinds of pre-set weekly planners via Microsoft supports. User-accessible planning templates, which you can select and customize according to your resources and missions. Perfect for a fixed organization, but more demanding when it comes to changing your schedule over the course of the week.

The disadvantages of Excel planning

Handy for getting started in schedule management, the Excel spreadsheet can - on the contrary - prove to be a source of errors. As this type of device is not really intuitive, it requires great rigor and skills worthy of a virtuoso. Even with a small structure, remember that its success will rest entirely on your shoulders. Schedule management has its limits, as it is very time-consuming for the person in charge.

Online scheduling and software

It's a "new" generation of planners, with a host of features to make your day-to-day life easier. But it's not such a "new" generation after all. The proof, at PlanningPME, we've been developing solutions for over 20 years for corporate planning. In fact, since 2002, we've been constantly offering you ever more innovative alternatives. and collaborative, while reconciling human needs and productivity.

Advantages of a connected weekly planner

  • Set parameters to match your core business.
  • Enables you to produce schedules that comply with legislation.
  • Limits human error.

Weekly planning with assisted steering will open the way to serene organization. All the more so if your profession requires frequent adjustments.

PlanningPME solutions

Staff schedules, vacations and absences, task management, projects, meeting room occupancy, training, remote-working, etc.: our intuitive solutions cover all business requirements, whatever the size of the company.

  • Automated scheduling software ;
  • Collaborative online schedules ;
  • Support, advice and training services ;


Interested in an efficient, interactive weekly schedule? PlanningPME answers your first questions.

It's easy to find out: take a look at our video demonstrations, or take advantage of a free half-hour personalized presentation.

YES. PlanningPME gives you read access to your database entries, which you can retrieve via a dedicated API.

YES. MS Acces, SQL-Server, My-SQL or Oracle: we can offer you online or on-site installations for a wide range of databases.

YES. One of our advisors will be able to come to your rescue via the screen. And if you ask, we can offer you: training courses on our product range, and even audit days to fine-tune your needs.