PlanningPME Web Access - List of versions

PlanningPME Web Access : Find out below the new features of our planning and scheduling solutions

Version - 09/2024

Multi-selection of events and actions

It is now possible to select several events and then take one of the following actions for the whole selection: move, delete, change category or status.

Selecting several events

Event scheduling

Contract management

You can manage the contracts for your human and material resources: permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, seasonal contracts, machine hire periods, etc.

Employment contracts

Employee and department management

Event purging

It is advisable to purge data that is too old in the database, in order to improve the overall performance of your application and comply with GDPR standards.

Event purging

Event scheduling

Quick modification of a custom "choice" field

To save time, you can quickly modify an custom "Choice" field by right-clicking on the task.

Quickly modify an custom

Modifying an event

Filter by event type

For a simplified view of the schedule, you can easily filter events by type.
For example, to display only unavailabilities, hide tasks and contexts.

Filter by event type

Scheduling filters

Exporting data to Excel from the list view and other lists

It is now possible to export list data from the list view and the following menus to an Excel table: resource, client, project, user, history, etc..

Exporting data to Excel from the list view and other lists

Creating Excel reports

New custom field type: Multiple choice

A new type of custom field is now available: multiple-choice. You can select several values from a list of choices.

New custom field type: Multiple choice

Creating personalized fields

Improved ergonomy for custom fields

The 'Destination' field now appears in the first column to facilitate access to information: you can now see all the custom fields created in the different windows of the application.

Changing the tab of a custom field

It is now possible to change the destination tab where the custom field is placed. This allows you to better organize the additional data created.

Display a field label in the description

In order to contextualize or simplify the information displayed, it is now possible to choose whether or not to display the label of a field before its value in the descriptions.

Display a field label in the description

Personalize your schedule

Additional checking of resource availability

By default, if a resource is already occupied by a task or an unavailability, an alert message appears to prevent scheduling conflicts..

You can set an additional restriction and have the alert message appear only if the resource is occupied by an unavailability and not a task.

Event options

Other features

At the request of our customers, a number of changes have been made to the online schedule.
- User history : From the Data - History menu, you can view the history of each user: creation/modification/deletion of a user.
- Deletion of domains of skills : You can now delete a domain of skills.
- Copy notification : To save time, you can copy an automatic notification (Data Menu - Notifications).
- Z-A sorting for custom fields of the type "Choice" : You can now list this type of field in descending alphabetical order.
- Number of additional signature fields : Need to have an event signed several times? There is now no limit to the number of additional "Signature" type fields within the event.
- Default start date when adding an event using the ‘+’ button : To make planning easier, if the current date is present in the time period displayed on the schedule, then this date is the default when you press ‘+ new event’. Otherwise, it is the first day of the period displayed.
- Line height : The maximum height of a line is 200 pixels instead of 100 pixels.

Version - 14/12/2023

Customization, styles and colors of the information displayed

From the menu Tools - Description, you can customize each item displayed on the schedule, whether in the box representing an event, in the tooltip or even in the e-mail and printouts. Depending on the type of description you choose, various options are available to customize its appearance: line breaks, italics, bold, element color, specific colour, etc.

Customization, styles and colors of the information displayed

Styles and colors

Printing an event

Need to print an event? You can now print each event on paper or in PDF format, and choose the information you want to include in the document.

Printing an event


Quick creation of a leave request

A new entry is available from the menu "+" at the top left corner of the application to make it easy for every employee to request leave.

Quick creation of a leave request

Leave and holiday management

Improvements to recurring tasks

When you open a recurring event, choose whether you want to modify the occurrence or the series.
Moreover, you can access details of all recurring events directly from your employee, customer or project cards.

Recurrent tasks

Navigation shortcut keys have been optimized for even greater fluidity. Scroll with ease using the keyboard's right/left arrows. Return to today with the "Enter" key and much more…

Smoother time navigation

Keyboard shortcuts for navigation

Design and ergonomy

Some ergonomic improvements have been made to the scheduling software to enhance the user experience.
- New font : Roboto
- Modernized icon library
- Fixed pop-up bar to make it easier to save or close an item
- New columns of fields available in project and customer lists
- Line separator : From the menu Tools -> Options -> View, you can choose a thicker line.

Version - 23/05/2023

Outlook / Google Calendar synchronization - Version Enterprise

Synchronize the schedule of one or more employees and even the schedule of a specific room or equipment with your Outlook or Google Calendar.

Tutorial - Outlook / Google Calendar synchronization

Agenda view, a view optimized for smartphones

Do you want to access your team’s schedule on your tablet or do you want to give your employees the ability to view their own calendar on their mobile phone?
Discover the Agenda view, a view of the schedule optimized for mobile screens.

Tutorial - Agenda view

Version 2022

Version Premium Version - 14/11/2022

In order to offer you even more practical features and to go further in the use of the schedule, our product offering is evolving! Discover all the new features available exclusively in the Premium version of PlanningPME Web Access.

Automatic notifications

In the Premium version of PlanningPME Web Access, it is possible to configure the sending of automatic notifications by e-mail and/or SMS to users, to resources, and/or to customers according to the filters and defined actions.

Tutorial - Automatic notifications

PlanningPME Rescue

PlanningPME Rescue is the solution that guarantees access to your schedule in all circumstances, even in the worst of disaster scenarios.

PlanningPME Rescue

Access the schedule via an SSO connection

Do you have a Microsoft or Google account? By opting for the Premium version, automatically log in to the schedule without having to create an additional password!



Presentation video showing new developments

Watch the video to find out about the new aspects we have developed for the release of this new version.

Individual first column width adjustment possible

To modify your preferences, you can adjust the left-hand column width in the following views: resource, client, project, task.

Individual first column width adjustment 

Tutorial - Personalize your schedule

Customized filter combination

Custom filter management has been optimized: gain time by rapidly displaying the essential data for your business.

More ergonomic preset filter menu

Scheduling filters

Move from day to day quickly in the schedule using the “CTRL + arrow keys” on the timeline or the keyboard.

Smoother time navigation

Display the granularity in weekly and multi-day view

In the weekly or multi-day view, granularity can be personalized to the nearest hour or half-hour so that your events can be clearly visualized. See the video

Time display in the monthly view

In the monthly view, the time the event starts is always displayed for extra clarity. See the video

Splitting an event

By right clicking you can divide an event into 2.

Splitting an event

Breaking down an event into complete days

By right clicking you can change an event lasting a period of x days into x events of 1 complete day. Please note that this action cannot be reversed.

Breaking down an event into complete days

Alert message and leave tracker

If the number of authorised leave days is exceeded, an alert message is displayed. See the video

Version 2021


Assign a duration to your events

An event created in duration mode is an event whose duration is specified, in days or hours. For events with a specified duration, the end is calculated based on the resource's time profile.

Event in hours Event in hours

Tutorial - Events created in duration

Download report templates

Choose and download our Excel report templates.

Number of hours worked per resource per task per day Number of hours spent per project per month

Download report templates

Customize the colors of the planning columns

The color of the days "First Day" and "Second Day" (settings from Tools -> Options -> Display) is now displayed to the entire column on the schedule for a better visibility.

Customize the colors of the planning columns


Manage the working context of your employees (remote-working, hours, etc)

A context is a new type of data which enables to add a background context to the event schedule. A context is represented by a colored rectangle in the background of the event scheduling.

You can use the context in different situations:
- Define the place where your employees are working everyday.
- Define working hours

Context Management

Tutorial - Context Management

See the appointment place on a map

Facilitate your travels by visualizing the place of intervention or appointment on a map.

See the appointment place on a map

Quickly contact an employee or customer by phone, sms or e-mail


From the resource or client's file, click directly on the new icons to call, send a text message, send an e-mail or see an address on a map.

contact icon

Use again in a more efficient way the schedule on smartphone and tablet through the new action icone

An icon represented by 3 vertical points makes it easy to use event actions in the index view, the view to mobile devices (smartphone and tablets). It is now easier to call a client, send an e-mail or change an event status for example.

icone contact on smartphone

Define the event status by default

You can define the event status by default. Then, while creating an event, this status will be selected by default.

Event management through the status

Tutorial - Event management through the status

Follow the last connexions of your users on the schedule

From the menu Data -> Users menu, view the date of last connection for each user.

Follow-up of the connexion to the schedule

Adapt the drawing space on the schedule

New option available in the menu Tools -> Options -> View -> Additional drawing space.

Option activated: By activating this option, an empty zone appears above the task. This zone allows you to draw a new task by creating easily layered events.

Adapt the drawing space on the schedule

Option desactivated: The event takes all the height of the line.

Adapt the drawing space on the schedule

Quickly duplicate the colors used on your resources, clients and projects

In order to set up the schedule easily and quickly, it is now possible to copy the text and background color of a resource, a customer or a project by right-clicking on the schedule.

Duplicate the color style

Version 2020 - 4.7


PlanningPME gets a new look

After a few weeks of work, we are happy to share with you that PlanningPME is about to be transformed! New logo, new colors and new product interfaces. We truly hope that you will appreciate this new, more refined and modern design which reflects the PlanningPME values.

New design PlanningPME


New filter to sort resources directly on the scheduling board

A new filter is now available to sort resources directly on the scheduling board.

classification of resources in the schedule

You can now sort your resources depending on one of the following options:

  • General order defined for all resources (Menu Data -> Resources)
  • Resources order defined for each department (Menu Data -> Department)

Importing data

In order to facilitate the operation and settings of the scheduling tool, you can now import your own data directly, such as resources, customers and projects. This will allow you to integrate your elements into the schedule and will save you precious time.

Tutorial - Importing data

Option activate categories

From now on, you have the option to either hide or display categories according to your user preferences. To do this, go to Tools -> Options -> Events, option ‘Activate categories’.

Tutorial - Classification of events by category


Hierarchy of org-units: resource management through the organization chart

The hierarchy of org-units enables the best possible organization of your human and material resources.

  • Create the organization chart of your company
  • Easily define the composition of each department
  • Define the display order of your resources per department
  • Easily search among your resources

Organization chart - Hierarchy of org-units

Filter one or more resources

Thanks to the "resource" filter available in your online scheduling application, you can quickly filter data that appears on the screen to display the planning of one or more resources (human or material).

Simplified management of your resources' time profiles

Manage time profiles with the new “Time profiles” menu.


Then, in the “Resource” window, select the time profile to be assigned to the selected resource.

Time profile to be assigned

Tasks and unavailabilities status

For each status assigned to an event, a colored visual mark displays on the left handside of the rectangle on the schedule area according to the parameters you would have set beforehand.

Assigning a project to one or several departments

You can now work on a project common to several departments.

Assigning a project to one or several departments

Customizing the tasks list per department

You can now define specific tasks for each department.

Customizing the tasks list per department

Thus each department can define its own list of tasks and will not see the labels that do not concern it.

Customizing the tasks list per department

Customizing the interface with your own labels

For each language, you can now customize the labels to be used in the interface.

Customize labels and formats

Customized columns display

You can choose which columns you want to display and their order:

  • clients
  • Resources
  • Projects
  • List View
  • History
  • Search

Customized columns display

New display : 2 weeks view

You can choose which columns you want to display and their order:

View 2 weeks

Rights refined on projects, resources and customers

You can choose which columns you want to display and their order :

  • clients
  • Resources
  • Projects

Rights refined

To improve ergonomy, menu Data and Tools have been reorganized this way:

Navigation- Web Access

Version 2019 - V4.4.1

Your PlanningPME account

The PlanningPME account is a user account that gives access to the various services offered by Target Skills via a unique address and password. For example, you can have direct access to PlanningPME Web Access.

How do I create an account?

Online services - My account - PlanningPME

Inviting users to the schedule

When initially setting the schedule, the setup wizard allows you to create and invite new users. You can also access this screen by clicking on the sharing icon in the top right-hand corner of your schedule.

Tutorial - Invite

schedule invitation wizard

Project window - 3 new additional tabs

You can now create 3 new tabs in the project window.
To better adapt the schedule to your needs, you can now create up to 3 additional tabs with as many customized fields as you want.

Project window - 3 new additional tabs

Privacy: Possibility to hide text on absences and days off

For confidentiality purposes, a new "Description" / "Public" option is available in the groups, enabling to hide the text on the rectangle representing an event or unavailability / absence.

Privacy: Possibility to hide text on absences and days off

Calculating the event duration in hours and days

Option count all hours
This documentation explains the logic of hours calculation used in the schedule relying on several criteria such as the profile of the resource, the events in hours or days and so on.

Tutorial - Calculating the event duration in hours and days

Electronic signature

Signing an event in your schedule is very easy. For example, when a technician has finished an event, he can have his client sign in just a few seconds. Whether from your laptop, smartphone or tablet, the electronic signature is possible any time.

Tutorial - Electronic signature


Run queries on your schedule with the PlanningPME API. The PlanningPME secure API (from "Application Programming Interface") now allows you to read, write, modify or delete data from your PlanningPME application via programming.

Documentation - API


Creating Excel reports: 2 base templates

A new template is now available to generate your first reports.

Tutorial - Creating Excel reports

Creating Excel reports

New design

The graphics have been redesigned to bring clarity and lightness to the schedule.

New design

Differentiation between events that can be modified or not

Events that can not be modified on the scheduling board appear in transparency compared to events a user is allowed to modify.

Tutorial - User access management

New design

Search on new fields

The search function accessible with the magnifying glass located at the top right of the planning is now run on new fields: personalized fields of the type: choice, comment, hyperlink, link and text, address field, city and postal code of the customer or location of the event.

Tutorial - Search

The Search function

Differentiation Events in whole day or in number of hours

The frame is full or highlighted when you move the mouse over it.

Tutorial - Event scheduling

New design

Your schedule is accessible from all your devices!

Whether you're in the office, in transportation, or home, our online scheduling application follows you everywhere. Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS compatible, it facilitates creating a telecommuting schedule.

Tutorial - Create your online schedule

View adapted to smartphones and tablets: the Index view

Index view is an operational view particularly adapted to mobile devices as smartphones and tablets: scheduling data are displayed in a clear way.

Tutorial - View adapted to smartphones and tablets: the Index view

Intuitive typing (autocompletion)

Predictive typing is now included on all drop down list while creating a task in order to save time. The number of loaded labels on the drop down list can be changed by the Admin if needed.


Filters have been improved with multi-check boxes and a search zone in order to filter data and find easily a client, a skilled resource etc…


Assign weekly hours to your resources

Follow the jobs done for each resource, client or project

A new tab on the resource, client and project window shows the list of past and future tasks.

Assign skills to a task

Adequacy of skills

Tasks tracking by resource, client and project

A new tab "History" show the creation, modification of a resource, a client or a project

Task category

With a right click on a task you can change its category in no time.

Customize Profile

Change the way your scheduling displays according to your preferences (color, language).

Display only available resources

Force the creation of a task: The task can be created even if a resource is not available or is not skilled.

Task locking


Tasks to plan

Tasks are always visible on the schedule until they are allocated to a resource

Monthly recurrence

You can now define a new kind of monthly recurrence: For example, you can create a meeting every first Monday of the month